3-Minute Exercises for Flabby Arms with Dumbbells

Are you looking for a way to get sculpted arms without expensive gym equipment? Look no further than a set of exercises for flabby arms can help you tone and sculpt your arms, some are better than others.

Hiit Workout, we’ll cover how to perform each exercise safely and effectively. Dedicate 3 minutes three times a week to this routine and we guarantee you will see results sooner than you think. Get ready to show off those toned and strong arms!

Are you ready to give your arms a new look? Great, let’s take a closer look at these 3 minute exercises for flabby arms with dumbbells and how to do them correctly.

3-Minute Exercises for Flabby Arms with Dumbbells


3-Minute Exercises for Flabby Arms with Dumbbells

  1. Standing up, and take the dumbbells
  2. Tilt the upper body a little, until it is almost parallel to the ground.
  3. The palms of your hands face the body and use the triceps to lift the dumbbell until the arm is bent.
  4. It is important to move only the forearm and keep the elbow fixed.


3-Minute Exercises for Flabby Arms with Dumbbells

    1. Standing up, with dumbbells in our hands
    2. Place one arm at chest level and from here we will stretch the arm upwards, extending it.
    3. It is important that the force is made only with the arms.
    4. And that the rest of the body remains stable, keeping the back


3-Minute Exercises for Flabby Arms with Dumbbells

  1. Standing with a straight back and legs shoulder-width apart, he leads the dumbbells to his chest.
  2. If you cannot bring your arms to your chest at the same time, go interspersed between one arm and the other.
  3. Be sure to keep your elbow close to your body and use your biceps for strength – watch your lower back!


3-Minute Exercises for Flabby Arms with Dumbbells

  1. Place yourself face up on the floor, with your back to the floor and your legs bent.
  2. Now bring the dumbbells to your chest.
    With your arms at 90º, lift them up so that they are fully extended.
  3. Lower them again and repeat the exercise.

Work your arms 2-3 days a week, doing 2-3 sets of about 25 repetitions each. Use any weight you want, but be able to do the repetitions with effort. It is better to start with a few kilos and increase the weight as the days go by. Use one arm and the other and do the same repetitions with both arms.

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