Pilates for Beginners: 6 Best Exercises for Perfect Abs

Today we’re going to show you how pilates exercises can help you get the abs of your dreams.

Want to work your abs, but are tired of doing the same old twists and turns? We offer a series of pilates exercises that will change your daily workout routine. Just 15 minutes a day and you’ll look great.

Do 3 sets of each exercise (10 reps each) and in just a few weeks you will see your tummy tighten and your abs start to show!

6 Pilates Best Exercises for Perfect Abs

Exercise #1

Hiit workout

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, and place your arms along your torso. Begin to slowly curl up without pressing your chin against your torso. Lift up until your shoulder blades are off the floor, then pause, take a breath and slowly return to starting position.

Exercise #2

Hiit workout

Lie on your back with legs and arms straight. Raise your straight legs 45 degrees off the floor. Then lift your shoulder blades and begin to “pulse” vigorously with your hands. Inhale and exhale through your nose for 5 seconds. Perform 10 sets of 5 seconds each.

Exercise #3

Hiit workout

Lie on your back with your arms extended toward the ceiling. Exhale and curl up, starting with your chin pressed against your chest. When you reach the sitting position, reach your hands to your feet. Exhale again and arch backward, straightening each vertebra. Do this slowly, without straining or tearing.

Exercise #4

Hiit workout

Lie on your back, lift your head, neck and shoulders, and pull your knees toward your chest, wrapping your arms around your shins. Exhale and straighten your legs at a 45-degree angle as you raise your arms. Exhale and pull your knees toward your chest. Your shoulders and shoulder blades should be off the floor throughout the exercise.

Exercise #5

Hiit workout

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your elbows wide apart. Raise your head, neck and shoulders. Your feet should be at a 45 degree angle to the floor. At the same time, bend your left leg and grasp it with your right elbow. Alternate legs and arms without sinking to the floor.

Exercise #6

Hiit workout

Sit on floor with knees pressed against chest. Bend slightly and straighten your legs so that they are 45 degrees above the floor. Keep your back straight. Perform 3 to 5 repetitions and return to starting position.

Keep reading: 3 exercises to lose belly fat and tone thighs for beginners

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