10-minute fat-burning workout you can do at home on your stairs

Achieve a healthy, strong body with this quick full-body stairs workout that you can do at home. Burn fat and get fit with these exercises!

If you want to stay fit and shape your body, don’t look for complicated tutorials or intensive exercise programs. You can simply do these stairs workouts in ten minutes and actually use the stairs that you have at home; these will help you to get excellent results in two weeks.

There is no better apparatus to exercise with than your body weight and the stairs are a great aid for cardio workouts.

This quick stairs workout works all parts of your body, so there’s no excuse. Please warm up and stretch well before starting to avoid muscle soreness after the workout.

10-Minute Fat Burning Stairs Workout at Home

1- Stair Cardio

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If you are a beginner or want to exercise without leaving home, stair cardio is for you. This basic workout is one of the easiest to do, as all you have to do is go up and down the stairs repeatedly. It is that simple!

Some of the benefits of this effective activity are: burning calories, increasing circulation, and strengthening the legs and buttocks. To achieve the desired effects, it is recommended that you walk up and down the stairs as you normally would and gradually increase the intensity of the rhythm.

2- Step up + knee flexion

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You have to walk up the step with one foot while simultaneously lifting the opposite knee, alternating the movement. Do this for 20 repetitions.

3- Lunge

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Raise one leg to the second step of the stairs, keep the other leg down and bend it until it almost touches the floor, alternating both legs. Repeat until 20 are reached.

4- Squat

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Climb to the top of the stairs and descend one step at a time with slow, controlled movements, using your arms to balance your weight. Perform this 2 times.

5- Stairs Jump

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You are doing very well! Now it’s time to do a few reps of the Box Jump, an ideal exercise for those looking to build leg strength. Although this popular Crossfit exercise is performed with the help of a box, this time the stairs will be your best ally.

To perform your box jumps correctly, you must face the stairs, jump with your feet together to the rung of the second step, and land in a squat. Then walk down the stairs, return to the starting position and jump again.

Do this 10 times.

6- Crunch

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Sit on one of the steps and support your arms, your body should be like the letter V, just support your buttocks. Bring your legs together and stretch them out and back without leaning your back. Do this exercise 20 times.

7- Stair dips

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Triceps dips are a great exercise to do at home, and what better place to do them than on the stairs.

The first thing you should do to perform this exercise is to stand with your back to the stairs. Then, grasp the edge of the second or third step with both hands, with your fingers pointing toward your back.

Next, stand up and stretch your legs out in front of you to support your weight with your arms only. When you are in the correct position, bend your elbows and lower your body with a straight back, then push yourself back to the starting position.

Do this 20 times.

8- Inclined Push Up

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The finaly exercise in our stair routine is the incline push-up. This exercise is one of the most comprehensive for getting in shape, as it will help you strengthen your arms and activate your abs.

To do this, start by placing both hands on the second rung of the stairs, then straighten both legs until only the balls of your feet touch the ground. Once your body is in a high plank position, bend your elbows to lower your body, then return to the starting position and repeat.

Do this 20 times.

Keep reading:  18 Exercises That Show You Exactly What Muscles You Are Stretching

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