Can You Eat Cardal?

Have you ever wondered what cardinals taste like? Cardinals are edible, but you should know whether or not it’s legal to eat them in your country.

Can you eat a cardal?

Most countries prohibit the hunting and eating of wild birds, such as cardinals.

The U.S. protects cardinals under the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), which forbids harming, trapping, killing, or eating them. Violations result in heavy fines or imprisonment.

This post is a companion piece to our article on whether cardinals can be pets. Read this article to learn more about the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and cardal.

Can you eat a cardal
Can You Eat a Cardal?

Why is it illegal to eat cardal?

Cardinals are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, making it illegal to eat or sell them as cage birds. Violating this act can result in a fine of up to $15,000 and six months in prison.

Besides the U.S., cardinals are also protected under the Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds (CPMB) by Canada, Mexico, Japan and Russia; hence, they’re off-limits in these countries.

Are cardinals edible?

Cardinals, like other wild birds, can be eaten. You can eat any bird that is out foraging for seeds, except for those feeding on garbage. However, eating a particular bird depends on your country’s laws.

Can you eat a cardal eggs?

You can eat cardinal eggs just like any other bird’s eggs. Almost all bird eggs are edible, and you can eat them at any stage of development. However, you shouldn’t eat cardinal eggs by picking them out of the nest. Parent cardinals may be aggressive toward you.

If the parent cardinals leave the eggs, or if you find cardinal eggs in an unprotected place, you can take the eggs and eat them (whatever you want). But if you don’t want to eat the eggs, return them to the nest so the mother cardinal can hatch them.

Can you eat a cardal
Can You Eat a Cardal?

Should you hunt cardal?

You shouldn’t hunt cardinals because they are protected under the MBTA. According to All About Birds, the total population of northern cardinals in the world is 120 million, with the United States having 77% and Mexico 22% of the northern cardinals.

The fact is that Northern Cardinal populations are declining by the day. If you hunt a single cardinal, you will be one of the factors of cardinal extinction. To increase the number of cardinals, always try to protect them by any means.
Summary of the game

Even though Cardinals are edible, you shouldn’t eat them. Eating cardinals is illegal in the United States and Canada due to special conservation laws. Not only the United States and Canada, but also Russia, Japan, and Mexico prohibit eating cardinals.

However, we hope you found this article helpful in understanding whether or not it is legal to eat cardinals. If you have any experience eating cardinals, please feel free to share it with us. Keep in mind that you’re not encouraging people to hunt and eat a cardal.