Transform your thighs and buttocks with this 20-minute leg and butt workout for women at home. Say goodbye to cellulite and hello to toned muscles!
Thighs and buttocks are a problem area for many girls and women, where the fat layer thickens and cellulite appears.
So you need to work on shrinking your thighs and lifting your butt. This means that you need to work in several workouts at once. As a result, you will be able to strengthen the muscle tone in your lower body.
Best thighs, leg and butt workout for women
- Start your workout with a warm-up.
- Build the class into a comfortable routine. “I recommend doing exercises 20-30 reps, 15 seconds of rest between exercises.
- Perform 4-5 are sufficient for a complete workout.
- Finish your workout with a short stretching exercises.
- Perform this program 2-3 times a week.
You can do these Leg and butt workout at home if you want to tone up your leg muscles and your gluteal muscles.
20-Minute Leg and Butt Workout for Women at Home
1- Lunge Tilt
Stand upright with feet shoulder-wide apart. Bend your right knee slightly and place your right foot on the glider. Gently slide your right foot back and lean forward, bending your left knee and placing your right palm down. Work your legs, thighs and abs. Then gently return to starting position. This is one repetition, do the required number on each side.
2- Tilt to side
Stand upright with feet hip width apart. Arms along body. Shift body weight to right foot. Slowly bend your body to the right, extend your right arm to the side, lift your left leg off the floor and move it to the left. Keep your balance and work your abs, glutes, hips and legs. Return to starting position. This is one repetition. Repeat as many reps as necessary on each side.
3- Diagonal lunge
Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart. Place your right foot on the glider. Bend your right knee slightly. Bending your knees, slide your right foot back and to the left, as if you were doing a curtsy. At the same time lean your body forward and slightly turn it to the left, arms out to the sides. Work your legs, buttocks, thighs and abs. Don’t slouch, don’t strain your lower back. Return to starting position. This is one repetition. Perform required number to each side.
4- Squat leg swing
Stand upright with feet hip width apart. Place left foot on glider. Bend right knee slightly. Place your hands behind your head, exposing your chest. Keeping your left foot off the glider and off the floor, move your left foot to the side and make a circle with it. At the same time, lean your body to the right. Work your abdominal, buttocks and legs while keeping your balance. Return to starting position. This is one repetition. Do as many reps as you like on each side.
5- Body tilt lunge
Stand upright with feet shoulder width apart. Place hands behind head and reach head up. Step right foot forward, bend knees right-angled and lunge. At the same time, bend your body to the left, put your left hand down and try to touch the floor with it. Control the position of your lower back and neck. Work your abs, hips and legs. Then return to the starting position: first straighten your body, then step back with your right foot. This is one repetition. Do as many reps as you like on each side.
6- Lateral lunge with body rotation
Stand upright with feet shoulder-wide apart. Place right foot on glider. Slide your right foot to the side while twisting your body to the right (don’t strain your lower back) and touch your right foot with your left hand. Then twist your body to the left and touch your left foot with your right hand. Then twist your body to the right again and touch your right foot with your left hand. Return to the starting position: straighten the body, bring the feet together. This is one repetition, do the required number of repetitions in each direction.
7- Reverse plank with leg raises
Sit on the floor with legs straight. Lower your hands behind your body with your fingers pointing forward. Lean on your heels. Lift your pelvis off the floor, continuing to lean on your hands and heels so that your body and legs form a diagonal line. Working your abdominal muscles, hips, and legs, gently raise your right leg off the floor, hold it for 1 to 2 seconds, and then lower it and raise your left leg off the floor. This is one repetition. Do as many as you need.
Share these Leg and butt workout with all your friends.They’ll thank you later when they get a slender leg.