Tone your arms, abs, legs, and glutes with these effective Pilates ball exercises. Strengthen muscles and stay youthful with this workout routine.
A Pilates ball is a powerful exercise tool that helps us achieve the following benefits more quickly: it improves posture, tones muscles, increases strength and flexibility and reduces the risk of injury.
Next we will show you the best Pilates ball exercises that will help you improve your muscles and tone your arms, legs, buttocks and abs, which are the most important muscle groups in your body because they help keep your bones upright, protect your internal organs and help you stay young.
9 Pilates Ball Exercises for Toning Arms, Abs, Legs & Glutes
1. Ball Wall squats
How to do this exercise:
Place a ball between a wall and the center of your back, just below your shoulder blades and above your hips. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, your back straight and your hands crossed in front of you, slowly lower yourself into a squat with your thighs parallel to the floor.
Make sure your knees don’t go past your toes (as in a good squat). Return to starting position and repeat for 15 repetitions.
2. One leg squat
How to do this exercise:
Standing with your right foot in the same position as above, lift your right foot and extend it forward with the knee extended and the foot flexed. While keeping your balance, slowly lower yourself into a squat. Make sure your hips are well aligned as your weight will fall on your left leg.
Return to starting position with leg straight. Repeat 15 times. Then switch legs and repeat.
3. Kick backward with ball
How to do this exercise:
Hold a ball behind you and gently place the toe of your right foot on it. Make a good effort to keep your balance by strengthening your abs and placing your hands on your hips.The strength and balance is in your left leg, which you will bend as you pull your right leg back with a kick.
Repeat 15 times for each leg and return to starting position.
4. Lower back extension
How to do this exercise:
Hold a ball in front of you and slide it under your pelvis. Extend your legs and flex your feet, then extend your arms in a T-shape, taking care not to shrug your shoulders. Using the muscles around your spine as support, lift your torso by contracting your lower back as your arms move slightly backward. The idea is to open your chest by squeezing your shoulder blades together as much as possible and then return your full weight to the ball.
Repeat this 15 times. This will relax all your muscles and do wonders for your spine.
5. Push-ups with ball
How to do this exercise:
A yoga mat is ideal for this exercise to keep your hands off the floor and give you more stability on the ball. Place your legs on the ball so that you are in a plank position with your arms outstretched at shoulder height.
Lower your chest toward the floor and perform a push-up while keeping your legs on the ball. Perform 10 push-ups.
6. Triangle
How to do this exercise:
Only for the brave (or the very strong in abs) as the strength comes from your upper body. From a plank position with your legs on the ball, walk backwards with your arms until your shins are on the ball. You can spread your legs wider to increase stability.
Using abdominal strength, raise your hips while extending your legs and arms, then slowly lower back down to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions.
Ladies, don’t try this exercise if you don’t have abdominal strength yet, because you might end up on the floor… But as you progress in your exercises, you will have better muscle tone and be able to do this and many other exercises. A lighter version of this exercise is to bend your knees toward your chest and stretch again.
7. Pelvis up
How to do this exercise:
Lie on your back with the ball under your calves. Place your arms at your sides and use your abs and glutes to lift your hips until your belly is flat. Maintaining this height, bend your knees and bring your feet toward your buttocks to engage your hamstrings. Extend your legs and lower your hips to return to starting position.
Repeat 10 times. If desired, you can open your legs a little on the ball for more balance.
8. Ab crunch with ball
How to do this exercise:
An excellent pilates ball exercises to strengthen the muscles around your stomach (so we can do the triangle). Lie on your back with your legs straight and place the ball between your arms. Using your abdominal strength, pass the ball from your hands to your legs, crossing them just above your belly with your limbs stretched out.
Return the ball from the legs to the arms and continue for 15 repetitions.
9. Abs oblique
How to do this exercise:
Stand on your knees next to the ball and gently lift your torso over the ball to hold it below your waist, between your chest and hips. Place your feet on the yoga mat to prevent slipping and spread your legs slightly for stability.
Keeping your spine straight, place your hands behind your head with your elbows in line with your ears. Bend at the waist and bring your right elbow to your hip while your legs are still.
Repeat 15 times on each side, returning to starting position.
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