The GM Diet plan is a popular weight loss program developed by a team of General Motors nutritionists to help the company’s employees become slimmer, healthier and more effective in just 7 days.
It allows you to eat unlimited amounts of food as long as you stick to the recommended food groups. It has been known to help people lose 10 to 20 pounds in a week, making it a lifesaver if you want to lose weight fast without breaking a sweat.
What is the GM Diet?
The General Motors Diet has been around since about 1985, and was originally adopted by General Motors to increase worker productivity by making workers healthier. The results of the diet were impressive – weight loss of 10 to 20 pounds in just 7 days! Employees were more efficient, more productive, and had more energy. The gm diet plan was considered a huge success.
Probably the most important reason why millions of people swear by the gm diet plan is that it is easy to follow. There are no complicated recipes or big demands on a person’s daily routine.
The 7 Day GM Diet Plan Help You To Lose 20 Pounds
Day One
- Breakfast: 1 apple + half a bowl of sliced melon with 2 glasses of water.
- Lunch: 1 orange + sliced watermelon and 2 glasses of water
- Snack: 1 apple and a glass of water
- Dinner: Sliced watermelon and a guava with 2 glasses of water
Apple = Orange
Cantaloupe = cucumber
Watermelon = honeydew melon or cucumber
Orange = Grapefruit or peach
Guava = Green apple
Day Two
- Breakfast: One boiled potato and 1 glass of water
- Lunch: Mixed vegetable salad with cucumber, onion and carrot and 2 glasses of water
- Snack: A couple of cooked cauliflower heads with a light dressing and 1 glass of water
- Dinner: Salad with cooked carrots, broccoli and green beans and 2 glasses of water
Potato = Sweet potato or carrots
Butter = Margarine or Sour Cream
Cabbage = bok choy or celery
Lettuce = Leek
Cucumber = Carrots
Onion = Shallots
Carrot = Beetroot
Broccoli = Cauliflower
Bell pepper = Zucchini
Cauliflower = Green beans
Day Three
- Breakfast: Half a bowl of cantaloupe + half a slice of pineapple and 2 glasses of water
- Lunch: A salad of cucumber, carrot, and lettuce + 1 orange with half a melon slice and 2 glasses of water
- Snack: 1 pear and 1 glass of water
- Dinner: Boiled broccoli and beets with 2 glasses of water
Cantaloupe = Watermelon
Apple = Orange
Pear = Plum
Pineapple = Peach
Cucumber = Kiwi
Carrot = Bok choy or turnip
Lettuce = Chinese cabbage
Orange = Grapefruit or Kiwi
Broccoli = Cauliflower
Beet = Carrot
Day Four
- Breakfast: 2 large bananas + 1 glass of milk and 1 glass of water.
- Lunch: bowl of GM diet soup + 2 medium to small bananas
- Snack: One banana shake (use 2 bananas), half teaspoon of honey
- Dinner: Banana milkshake (2 large bananas and 1 glass of milk) and 1 glass of water
Banana = fig
Milk = soy milk
Day Five
- Breakfast: A few small tomatoes with a bowl of cooked, spiced kidney beans and 2 glasses of water
- Lunch: A bowl of cooked brown rice/chicken breast/fish with 2 tomatoes and 2 glasses of water
- Snack: One salad with onions, sprouts + 1 apple with 2 glasses of water
- Dinner: One bowl of GM diet soup with 2 glasses of water
Tomato = Carrot
Kidney beans = black-eyed peas
Yogurt = Sour cream
Brown rice = Quinoa
Chicken breast = Ground turkey
Fish = Chicken breast, mushrooms or lentils
Onion = Cucumber
Sprouts = Soaked Bengali chickpeas
Apple = Kiwi
Pear = Orange
Day Six
- Breakfast: One bowl of mixed cooked vegetables and 2 glasses of water
- Lunch: Bowl of brown rice / chicken breast/fish with GM diet soup and 2 glasses of water
- Snack: Bowl of cooked vegetables and 1 glass of water
- Dinner: Bowl of GM diet soup and 2 glasses of water
Cooked kidney beans = Cooked Bengal gram
Tomato = Cucumber
Brown rice = Quinoa
Chicken breast = Ground turkey
Fish = Chicken breast, mushrooms or lentils
Carrot = Beetroot or cucumber
Day Seven
- Breakfast: Small bowl of mixed vegetable salad and 1 glass of apple or orange juice
- Lunch: GM diet soup and a small serving of carrot sticks and 2 glasses of water
- Snack: A few carrots and 1 glass of kiwi juice
- Dinner: One bowl of GM diet soup and 2 glasses of water
Vegetable salad = sprout salad
Apple juice = cucumber juice
Orange juice = Grapefruit juice
Carrot = Beet
Brown rice = Quinoa or shredded wheat
Kiwi = Plum
GM Diet Soup Recipe
GM Diet Soup is a basic part of the diet. It can be eaten in unlimited quantities every day and will ensure that you never go hungry.
You will need
2 green peppers
6 large onions
1 bunch of celery
1 head of cabbage
3 medium tomatoes
1⁄2 liter water
Chop the onions and peppers. Sauté them in olive oil in a saucepan until they are lightly browned. Then chop the tomatoes, celery and cabbage and add them to the pot with the water. The soup takes about an hour to prepare. The vegetables must be cooked first and then simmered. Add salt and pepper to taste and enjoy a bowl of delicious soup. You can season the soup to your liking to make different variations.
You can make a large batch and reheat it any time during the week.
Anyone can try the 7 day gm diet plan, but be sure to consult your doctor before starting. If you are looking for fast weight loss with the added benefit of a complete cleanse and detox.