Naturally Skinny Girl Habits That Will Help You Lose Fat And Live A Happier Life

Find out the most important naturally skinny girl habits that can help you to lose fat and live a happier and healthier life effortlessly.

According to a study conducted by Gallup’s annual Health and Healthcare survey, only 16% of American women are at their ideal weight with a whopping 69% of women classified as overweight or obese.

While genetics play an important role it’s actually habits that far outweigh the importance of genetics on how we gain and lose fat.

Just like you would take business advice from people who run a successful business, wouldn’t it make sense to take weight loss advice from people who are naturally skinny?

In addition to working on the menu and training, you also need to take care of your psychological state. Here are 50 habits of slim women to follow if you want to change your life for the better. keep on reading.

How to become slim

Hiit workout


  1. Sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  2. Watch your health.
  3. Be thin, but not head. Read books – fitness for the mind is also important.
  4. Love soups.
  5. Do not make a cult out of food. Look for pleasure in other things.
  6. Train regularly .
  7. Do not envy thin girlfriends and models.
  8. Buy yourself stylish clothes.
  9. Reduce your alcohol intake.
  10. Don’t eat 3 hours before bed.
  11. Switch to fractional meals. Eat small meals 4-6 times a day.
  12. Eat healthy carbohydrates for breakfast . Love porridge.
  13. Drink kefir before bed.
  14. Do not deny yourself categorically pleasure. Everything in moderation.
  15. Love your body . You are as beautiful as you are confident.
  16. Drink enough water.
  17. Get up with a feeling of slight hunger from the table.
  18. Avoid rigid diets that only ruin your life.
  19. Chew food thoroughly .
  20. Do not eat in front of the TV, computer, while reading. You must be focused on the process.
  21. Treat apathy and stress with fruits and hiking, not chocolates and bars.
  22. Hurry up slowly. This applies to everything, especially food.
  23. Give up fast food. Learn how to cook delicious simple meals .
  24. Drink tea and coffee without sugar.
  25. Try to walk more.
  26. Do not use the elevator.
  27. Limit your salt intake . The daily norm of salt is about 15 grams, and this amount also includes sodium chloride contained in the products.
  28. Make love regularly.
  29. Drink 40 minutes after eating.
  30. If you can’t eat – don’t eat.
  31. Eat from beautiful dishes in cold colors: blue, dark green, purple.
  32. Go for a massage.
  33. Down with baggy clothes. In tight dresses you will feel confident.
  34. Wear dresses more often .
  35. Do not get carried away with low-fat foods and sugar substitutes.
  36. Give up bad habits.
  37. Give your body a rest.
  38. Take a contrast shower.
  39. Find an interesting hobby . When you don’t know what to do, a piece of sweet just asks for your mouth.
  40. Don’t bite when preparing food.
  41. Always weigh yourself in the morning .
  42. When you go to the store, be sure to eat. Because of the feeling of hunger, you can collect a lot of excess in the basket.
  43. Have more fun.
  44. Eat protein foods, vegetables, fruits, greens.
  45. Instead of salt, add natural spices .
  46. Fall in love. If you have a significant other, add spice to your relationship. Then you will completely forget about excess food.
  47. Surround yourself with the right people. Do not meet with evil aunts who are always losing weight.
  48. Arrange yourself fasting days when necessary.
  49. Praise yourself for small achievements, but do not turn up your nose.
  50. Forget about the negative. Don’t beat yourself up forever!

Print it out and hang it on your refrigerator. Reread it from time to time. You can highlight the things that are difficult for you with a red felt-tip pen to pay attention to them. This will not only help you become slimmer, but also happier.

So, why not give it a try?

Keep reading: Try This 7-Day No Junk Food Challenge for Weight Loss

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