Sculpt your back and say goodbye to back fat in just 20 minutes! Get amazing results with these best bra bulge exercises.
Bra bulge, the stubborn fat that spills over into your back and under your arms, can feel difficult to tackle. While spot reduction isn’t scientifically possible, a combination of targeted exercises, cardio, and a balanced diet can tone your upper back, improve your posture, and quickly reduce the appearance of back fat.
Hiit Workout will share with you the 5 best bra bulge exercises to do at home to reduce bra bulge and achieve a smoother back:
1- Superwoman
Why it works: Tones the entire back and improves core stability.
1. Lie face down on a mattress with your arms out in front of you.
2. Raise your arms, head, chest, and legs, keeping your head and neck neutral.
3. Rotate your arms to the side and then back so that your hands touch at the height of your back.
4. Return to starting position. Perform 20 repetitions.
2- Biceps Kick
Why it works: Strengthens lats and upper back, improving posture and reducing bulges.
1. Stand with feet apart and knees bent, both lightly holding a weight in each hand and arms hanging with palms facing each other.
2. Bend hips.
3. Simultaneously raise both arms out to sides, shoulder-width apart.
4. Lower to count of three. Perform 12 repetitions.
3- Rowing
Why it works: Targets upper back muscles and rear delts to tighten the bra line area.
1. Position yourself in an elevated push-up position, holding a weight in each hand, with your wrists shoulder-width apart and your feet slightly apart.
2. Bend your right arm, bringing the weight toward your chest.
3. Lower and repeat with your left arm. This is one repetition.
4. Continue alternating sides for 10 reps. We know, it feels like it burns.
4- Powerful push-up
Why it works: Engages upper back and core, burning fat while building muscle.
1. Assume push-up position with forearms on floor, elbows under shoulders and feet slightly apart.
2. Rotate shoulders back and down while lowering chest to floor and bringing shoulder blades together.
3. Pause, then reverse the motion, bringing your shoulders back into place.
4. Do 15 repetitions. You will feel absolutely amazing.
5- Military dumbbells
Why it works: Strengthens the upper back, shoulders, and lats, reducing bra bulge.
1. Stand with feet apart and knees relaxed, holding a weight in each hand and arms at shoulder height (outward) with elbows flexed at 90o and palms facing forward.
2. Raise right arm above head.
3. Lower and repeat with left arm. That’s one repetition.
4. Continue alternating sides for 10 reps. You’ll have a great back.
These bra bulge exercises can help tone and tighten the area, making the bra bulge less noticeable. Consistency is key – combine these moves with a healthy lifestyle for long-term results!
Share this with all your friends.They’ll thank you later when they get a sexy back.