4 Pelvic Floor Exercises To Reduce Thigh Fat and Tone Up

Discover the best pelvic floor exercises to reduce thigh fat and tone your legs. Effective outer thigh workouts you need to try for a slimmer, toned leg look!

Whether you are a year-round exerciser or a summer-only one, one thing we all have in common is that our legs are the part of our body that takes the most work. Many of us leave exercise for “tomorrow”, spending weeks like this and then gradually abandoning it.

If you are tired of the classic and eternal exercises of squats and lunges, today is your lucky day. We bring you new exercises. These pelvic floor exercises that work the outer thigh fat, you probably don’t know them and although they seem difficult to do, they are easier than you think.

As you will see later, the most important thing is the repetitions and the time of each exercise so as to fatigue the muscles of the thigh of each leg, which is why you will not change sides after each exercise.

You can do all of these pelvic floor exercises using your own weight, but you must use your legs, glutes, and abdominal to create your own resistance. If not, take it a step further and tie a resistance band around your knees. To tie the band properly, you must stand with your legs slightly apart and tie the band just above your knees. Note that the tape should be slightly taut. And above all, go slowly, because if you do the repetitions quickly, you will not see the results.

Top 4 Pelvic Floor Exercises To Reduce Thigh Fat and Tone Up

1. Single sweep

4 Pelvic Floor Exercises To Reduce Thigh Fat and Tone Up

This is one of the most popular pelvic floor exercises, and as the name suggests, it is very easy to do and is ideal for eliminating fat from the inner thighs. Here is how to do it:

First, stretch on your left side with your elbow on the floor. Then, standing halfway, bend your right knee and place your foot on the floor behind your left leg. Once you have done this, bend your left foot. Raise the leg as high as possible and lower it without touching the floor.

To be effective, you must perform 25 repetitions on each leg.

2. Foot pressure

4 Pelvic Floor Exercises To Reduce Thigh Fat and Tone Up

The second pelvic floor exercises for the thighs is very similar to the previous one, but the direction of this exercise is from front to back, instead of from bottom to top as in the first exercise. The steps you need to take are as follows

In the same position as in the previous exercise, lift your left leg about 2 or 3 inches off the ground. Do not go too high, otherwise the exercise will not be as effective. The second step you should do is to bend your left foot. Then bring the knee toward the chest and push the heel while extending the leg without touching the floor. It is important to push with the heel so that the exercise goes well and you get the most out of this workout.

Perform 25 reps on each side.

3. Combo

4 Pelvic Floor Exercises To Reduce Thigh Fat and Tone Up

The “Combo” is perfect for toning the thighs, so we recommend that you always include it in your abductor routine to work your inner thighs.

To perform this exercise, assume the same starting position as in the previous exercises and raise your left leg about 2-3 inches off the ground. As in the second exercise, it is important not to lift your leg too much. Then bring your left knee toward your chest while squeezing your abdomen and extend your left leg forward, forming an L-shape with your body.

For this third pelvic floor exercises, you will have to do 20 repetitions per leg if you have done the previous ones, otherwise you will have to do 25 repetitions.

4. Reverse Leg Lift

4 Pelvic Floor Exercises To Reduce Thigh Fat and Tone Up

To do this pelvic floor exercises, you need to practice because to do it well, you need a minimum of elasticity in your legs, but it is very useful. The steps to follow are

In the same position as all the thigh exercises discussed above, lift your right leg towards the ceiling, holding it by the thigh, calf or heel, depending on how flexible you are, to make it as vertical as possible. Now lift your left leg straight up toward your right leg and then lower it back down.

Repeat 20 times on each side.

To see better results, we recommend that you do these outer thigh pelvic floor exercises three times a day, every day of the week, as a complement to your cardio workouts. Remember that in addition to exercise, a healthy and balanced diet is also essential.

Share these Best pelvic floor exercises with your friends, they will thank you later when they get slender legs!