6 Biceps Exercises to Melt Arm Fat

Melting arm fat is possible by doing regular biceps exercises. Not only does it melt fat, but it also results in toned arms and strengthened muscles. Melting fat can be tricky, especially when targeting specific areas. Luckily, you can try these biceps exercises to help you achieve your desired results.

There are many exercises you can try that target the biceps. However, you can’t do spot reduction. You must work out all muscles to burn fat and tone your body.

These biceps exercises can help you melt fat and experience toned arms. Toning and strengthening also help burn calories and lose or maintain weight. You can do these exercises at home, with some requiring no equipment and others needing dumbbells or resistance bands.

Biceps Exercises Challenge You’ll Want to Try.

Are you ready to begin? Here are the ten most common Biceps exercises that will help you build the body you long for.

1- Spiderman workout

Stand in a bar, push up off the floor. At the bottom point, pull your knee up to your right elbow. Return to starting position and repeat on left side.

2- Dumbbell extension

Place your feet shoulder width apart. Bend your legs at the knees. Take dumbbells in your hands. Keep your back straight, leaning slightly forward. Spread your straight arms apart, elbows slightly bent. Then put your elbows together in front of you.

3- Triceps extension

Take dumbbells in your hands. Place your feet shoulder width apart. Lift your arms up, bending your elbows, lower and raise the dumbbells behind your head.

4- Bicep curl

Place your feet shoulder width apart. Take dumbbells in your hands. Keep your elbows pressed against your torso. Lower the dumbbells down, then pull them up to your biceps and push them up. Repeat all over again.

5- Triceps dip

Beginners do reverse push-ups with their legs straight or bent on the floor. Professionals place their feet on an elevated position. Elbows should look back. Lower yourself as much as possible, and raise yourself so that your elbows remain slightly bent.

6- Forearm to full plank

Stand in the bar. Then lower yourself to the floor on your left elbow, then on your right. Then return to the starting position, taking turns in the palm of your hand. Make sure that the body builds one straight line.

This arm challenge is broken down into four weeks. Get yours in top shape in just 30 days.

Monday (2 sets)

10 Spiderman push-ups
10 Dumbbell extension
10 Triceps extension
10 Bicep curl
10 Triceps dip
10 Forearm to full plank

Tuesday (2 sets)

10 Spiderman push-ups
10 Dumbbell extension
10 Triceps extension
10 Bicep curl
10 Triceps dip
10 Forearm to full plank

Wednesday (2 sets)

10 Spiderman push-ups
10 Dumbbell extension
10 Triceps extension
10 Bicep curl
10 Triceps dip
10 Forearm to full plank

Thursday (3 sets)

10 Spiderman push-ups
10 Dumbbell extension
10 Triceps extension
10 Bicep curl
10 Triceps dip
10 Forearm to full plank

Friday is rest.

Saturday (3 sets)

12 Spiderman push-ups
12 Dumbbell extension
12 Triceps extension
12 Bicep curl
12 Triceps dip
12 Forearm to full plank

Sunday (3 sets)

12 Spiderman push-ups
12 Dumbbell extension
12 Triceps extension
12 Bicep curl
12 Triceps dip
12 Forearm to full plank

On the second week, start training again, only increase the number of repetitions to 15 times, on the third – up to 20, on the fourth – up to 25.

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