Achieve a sculpted abs with these effective best exercises to lose belly fat fast. Say goodbye to excess weight and hello to a fitter you!
One of the main goals that we all have is to be able to shape our figure to look spectacular, and that is why we present you the best exercise to lose belly fat like snow.
According to Mayo Clinic, belly fat is fat found in the subcutaneous part, you can feel it when you pinch the excess skin and tissue in the middle part of the body.
This best exercises to lose belly fat program is designed to help you tone this difficult area and refine your waist and will take no more than 20 minutes. You’ll see the difference in a few weeks if you have the patience and perseverance!
The 9 best exercises to lose belly fat like snow.
1. Front plank
- Assume an ironing plank position with forearms supported and get ready to work your abs, glutes, back, shoulders and triceps.
- Make sure your elbows are in line with your shoulders to avoid overloading your shoulder joints.
- Keep your eyes on the floor to avoid forced positioning.
- If you are a beginner, rest your knees so there is less stress on your lower back.
- Also, if you are a beginner, rest your knees so there is less stress on your lower back.
- Repetitions: 4 sets of 20 seconds.
2. The Superman
- Stand quadruped (4 legs on the floor), with your back straight.
Gather one of your legs together with your opposite arm in the middle. - Stretch your arm forward and your leg backward as far as possible.
It is not necessary to raise them too much, they must be aligned with the rest of the body. - It is important to have the pelvis and spine in neutral position and the weight of the body in the central area.
You must prevent the hips from tilting towards the dice. - With this exercise you will work the internal muscles of the abdomen, the back and gain body control.
- Repetitions: 3 times for 25 seconds each time.
3. Lateral balance
- Lie on your back with your arms alongside your body.
- With your whole back touching the floor and activating your abdomen.
- Bring your legs to one side and to the other, without touching the floor.
- Be careful with your back, it is important not to take it off the floor.
- You will work your abdominal area and your back.
- Do this 3 times for 30 seconds.
4. Lateral plank
This type of plank works the lateral abdominal, but also involves the rectus abdominal, obliques, trapezius and deltoids.
- To do it correctly, rest one forearm on the floor and stretch your body, lifting your legs until only your feet and forearm touch the floor.
- It is super important that the hips are aligned with the ankles and shoulders so as not to overload the knee and trapezius area.
- It is also important to look forward and keep the neck in a neutral position.
- If the exercise is too intense, rest one or both knees on the floor.
- 4 sets of 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
5. Dynamic plank
- In plank position, with legs straight and forearms resting on the floor, we will swing the hips to one side and the other, tightening the abdomen and keeping the back aligned.
- With this advanced level plank, you work, in addition to the abdomen, buttocks and arms.
- 4 sets of 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
6. Plank with leg lift
These best exercises to lose belly fat will also work your glutes and hamstrings.
- Simply get into a plank position with your forearms resting on the floor, raise first one leg and then the other, bringing them slightly upwards at a 90 degree angle.
- It is important that the pelvis does not swing or lose the plank position.
- 4 sets of 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
7. Pyramid plank
- Start in the plank position; with your arms straight and your back straight and neutral, raise your hips in a pyramid position while moving one of your hands to touch the opposite ankle.
- Return to the starting position (plank with arms straight) and do the same movement, but this time to the other side.
- You will exercise core, back, hip and shoulder mobility.
- 3 sets of 30 seconds.
8. Knee Squats
- Lower into a squat with your hands on the back of your neck and make sure your buttocks are back and your back is straight. It is very important to perform the squat correctly.
- Then stand up by lifting one leg and touching your knee with your elbow.
- Lower yourself back down into the squat and, as you come back up, lift the other leg, turn your body to the other side and touch your knee with your elbow.
- Glutes, quads, core and shoulders are worked.
- 3 sets of 30 seconds.
9. Lateral trunk
- Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and your arms stretched out perpendicular to your body.
- Then, keeping your back straight and your arms in the same position, tilt your upper torso to one side and to the other.
- Avoid rounding the spine on the way down.
- We work core, hamstrings, hip mobility and shoulder mobility.
- 3 sets of 30 seconds.
Share this best exercises to lose belly fat with all your friends. They will thank you later as they lose belly fat!