10 Easy Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Reduce stubborn belly fat, arms and back with these easy yoga poses. Burn calories and tone your body with yoga poses.

Belly fat is not only bad for your health, it can also be very dangerous and put your health at risk. Carrying around the extra weight of belly fat tends to make you feel sluggish and lethargic.

Belly fat is also a major factor in increasing our susceptibility to various diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and obesity-related complications.

Some of the reasons for belly fat may include genetics, certain diseases or even obesity, unhealthy eating habits, irregular sleeping patterns, lack of exercise, etc.

Yoga exercises is one of the most effective ways to reduce stubborn. It provides a cardiovascular workout that increases heart rate, which helps burn calories and help reduce fat.

10 easy yoga poses to burn stubborn belly fat

Repeat the sequence of movements at least 3 times. Be sure to focus on your breath during each pose.

1- Downward Facing Dog

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Inhale and exhale through the nose 3 times.

Your abs, thighs and buttocks are strengthened by this posture. This will help you burn fat in these areas. It will also make you feel super relaxed.

2- High Plank

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Form a straight line from the feet to the head and hold the posture for 2 or 3 minutes.

This pose should be done in a similar way to the normal plank pose, except that here we do not have the arms outstretched and we lean on the elbows, always contracting the abdomen to keep the back straight.

3- Low Plank

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat


4- Cobra

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Another beneficial pose for burning excess belly fat is Bhujangasana, also known as the cobra pose. This asana is named for its resemblance to a cobra with its head raised.

To perform it, lie face down and then lift the chest while arching the back. This action helps improve posture, reduce back pain, and activate the abdominal muscles to improve digestion. You should repeat this process 5 to 10 times.

5- Lateral Plank right side

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat


This yoga pose is called side plank. It involves balancing the weight of our body on one hand and part of the foot while in a sideways position. The goal is to strengthen the abdomen, buttocks, and legs to maintain balance. This posture helps to reduce fat in the side and lower abdominal muscles.

6- Lateral Plank left side

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat


7- Dolphin Plank

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Inhale and exhale through the nose 3 times.

This pose tests the muscles of your entire body, focusing on the thighs, buttocks, shoulders, back and the stubborn belly area.

8- Dolphin with right leg up

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Inhale and exhale.

This is one of the most common yoga poses and has become part of the cardio world as well. To do a plank, we need to place our arms with elbows on the floor and feet hip width apart. This makes our body form a straight line, and we need to tense the abdominal and leg muscles to hold this position.

9- Dolphin with left leg up

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Inhale and exhale.

10- Child’s Pose

10 Easy Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Inhale and exhale through the nose 3 times.

If you are new to yoga, this pose will help you begin to strengthen the abdominal, arm, and leg muscles used in more advanced poses.

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