10-Minute Thigh exercises to burn fat and strengthen legs

Thigh exercises are different. However, if you want to slim your thighs and make them look smoother (and thus reduce cellulite), you need to know that leg exercises are the best way to do it, you just need to choose the right ones. It’s not that effective thigh exercises just build muscle mass and make your thighs – although stronger – look bigger at the same time. The exercises are divided into those that promote the growth of muscle mass, those that increase its strength and resistance, and finally those that lose weight. The thigh muscles can be strengthened and developed through weight-bearing exercises, while exercises with weights and an elastic thigh band have a slimming and toning effect.

Although it is impossible to lose weight in just one area of the body, exercises that target the thighs can accelerate fat burning in that area. It’s worth exercising your thighs because more muscle mass means a faster metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more effectively you will burn fat even during everyday activities. Working your thighs also strengthens your joints, especially your knees and hips. Stronger thighs will improve any type of workout.

In today’s article, we will present you a great workout program that will help you lose fat from your hips and thighs in just 10 minutes a day! In fact, you can do this workout three times a week and the results will be visible in less than a month.

1- Side Circles


Lie on one side, straighten the leg that is down and the opposite leg in front of you in a triangle position. Slowly rotate the straight leg backward until you complete 10 repetitions in 3 sets. Switch sides and perform the same movement.

2- Full Circles

10-Minute workout to burn fat and strengthen thighs in a month As in the previous exercise, lie on your side but this time keep both legs straight. Once you find a comfortable position begin to rotate the top leg executing a full circle. Do 10 repetitions and switch sides. Complete 3 sets.

3- Explosive Squat

10-Minute workout to burn fat and strengthen thighs in a month Stand with your legs together, push yourself up and when you fall into a squat position, again push yourself up and return to your original position. This is another type of pump that will help you build muscle. Complete 10 reps in 3 sets.

4- Lateral lunge

10-Minute workout to burn fat and strengthen thighs in a month Stand with feet together. You can incorporate some dumbbells or any weighted object into this exercise. Once in position, move to right side, return to starting position and switch sides. Perform 10 repetitions on each side for 3 sets.

5- One-legged bridge

10-Minute workout to burn fat and strengthen thighs in a month Lie on your back with one leg bent and the other leg straight so that it is straight at your hip. Once in position lift your torso and hips, hold for a second and lower. Complete 10 repetitions and switch sides. Complete 3 sets.

Keep reading: 7 Exercises to get rid of banana roll fat under the buttocks

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