Get a snatched waist and flatter stomach in 10 days, with this 5 minute at home waist and abs workout.
These smaller waist and belly fat loss exercises will help show you how to lose belly and waist fat for a slim waist from home. For the best waist and abdominal results do this with my fat burning workouts and good nutrition.
What is a Snatched Waist?
A snatched waist is a term that has gained popularity in recent years, especially in the fitness and beauty industry. It refers to a slim and defined waistline, often achieved through targeted exercises and a healthy diet. A snatched waist is often associated with an hourglass figure, where the waist is significantly smaller than the hips and bust.
Snatched Waist Meaning
The term “snatched waist” has its roots in African American culture, where it was used to describe a small and defined waistline. It has since become a popular term in the mainstream media, often used to describe a desirable body shape. However, it is essential to note that a snatched waist is not just about appearance but also about overall health and fitness.
10 Exercises To Get A Snatched Waist And Flatter Belly In 10 Days
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the exercises. These waist-slimming exercises target different areas of your core. This ensures a well-rounded workout for a snatched waist.
Let’s get started!
1. Side Plank
The side plank is a great exercise for targeting your obliques, the muscles on the sides of your waist. To perform a side plank:
- Start by lying on your side with your legs extended and your feet stacked on top of each other.
- Place your elbow directly under your shoulder and lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your head to your feet.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
2. Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches are a great way to target your abs and obliques. To perform bicycle crunches:
- Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs lifted off the ground.
- Bring your right elbow to your left knee while extending your right leg straight.
- Switch sides, bringing your left elbow to your right knee while extending your left leg straight.
- Continue alternating sides for 1 minute.
3. Russian Twists
Russian twists are another great exercise for targeting your obliques. To perform Russian twists:
- Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
- Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground, balancing on your tailbone.
- Twist your torso to the right, then to the left, while keeping your feet off the ground.
- Continue alternating sides for 1 minute.
4. Side Lunges
Side lunges target your inner and outer thighs, as well as your glutes. To perform side lunges:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Take a large step to the right, bending your right knee and keeping your left leg straight.
- Push off your right foot to return to the starting position.
- Repeat on the left side.
- Continue alternating sides for 1 minute.
5. Plank Jacks
Plank jacks are a great way to target your core and get your heart rate up. To perform plank jacks:
- Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders.
- Jump your feet out wide, then back together.
- Continue jumping your feet in and out for 1 minute.
6. Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers are another great exercise for targeting your core and getting your heart rate up. To perform mountain climbers:
- Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders.
- Bring your right knee to your chest, then switch legs.
- Continue alternating legs for 1 minute.
7. Side Leg Raises
Side leg raises target your outer thighs and hips. To perform side leg raises:
- Lie on your side with your legs extended and your feet stacked on top of each other.
- Lift your top leg as high as you can, then lower it back down.
- Continue for 1 minute, then switch sides.
8. Glute Bridges
Glute bridges target your glutes and hamstrings, which can help give your hips a more toned appearance. To perform glute bridges:
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
- Lift your hips off the ground, squeezing your glutes at the top.
- Lower your hips back down and repeat for 1 minute.
9. Standing Side Crunches
Standing side crunches target your obliques and can be done anywhere. To perform standing side crunches:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands behind your head.
- Bring your right elbow to your right knee, then switch sides.
- Continue alternating sides for 1 minute.
10. Plank with Hip Dips
Plank with hip dips is a challenging exercise that targets your core and obliques. To perform plank with hip dips:
- Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders.
- Dip your hips to the right, then to the left.
- Continue alternating sides for 1 minute.
Never skip your warm-up and cool-down. A good warm-up prepares your body for the workout ahead. It increases your heart rate and loosens your muscles, reducing the risk of injury. Cooling down after a workout is equally important. It helps your heart rate and breathing return to normal. Stretching during cool-down also helps prevent muscle stiffness and soreness.